From now forward, all the work will be at:
Blogger has been great, and this blog has given me and my art more exposure and opportunities than I could ever imagine... But it's time to expand and have a little more than a blogger account can provide!
The site is still very new, and a lot of it is still under construction, but there's a preliminary gallery up with a portfolio of my work already. Also, the film is done! I'll have plenty of information about it there soon, and will also update everyone of its upcoming web premiere.
Thanks again to everyone who has commented for the support given here. Hope to see you at the new place!
lost note
Another bit of art done at JibJab
A piece of development art done at JibJab last summer.
hoodoo woods

Some nearly-finished layouts from the upcoming film.
I've spent some time reworking the art direction and going way back to the simplistic, funky design that I love, through the help of some inspiration from Amid's wonderful Cartoon Modern and more specifically, the work of one Walt Peregoy.
To aid in the process of making this film (which is, to those who haven't done it, a lot of work!), I've spent some time planning and have developed a library of my designs that is constantly growing. I use these libraries of trees and plants and whatnot to go through a "digital cut and paste" process of building my layouts from scratch, mixing in elements of my forest and traditional digital painting as well along the way.
I'd show you the process more specifically if I actually had one, but I usually just confuse the hell out of myself while I'm doing it.
bear, interrupted
The Cruel Fauna star makes a cameo. Relieving himself in an outhouse. Reading the business section.
Acrylic on Canvas
Hope everyone had a good Festivus. Sorry for the lack of updates recently - holdiays tend to cause this. Thanks for the comments! I will periodically show some updates from the film, but for the most part the rest of the process will remain quiet until it's finished. Instead, expect to see many random images as I frantically paint until my spleen bursts on my quest to create the portfolio before graduation this spring.
The Mighty Reel
flying bears with worms stuck in their noses'
knock knock
Thanks for all the recent comments about the last batch of images. They have all been exercises in working out the art direction of my final year student film. I'll have a finished leica reel shortly which I'll post up here as well as plenty more concept art seeing as how I still don't feel I've found the final look I'm happy with.
This picture, however, has absolutely nothing to do with the film, as you may have guessed.