The Mighty Reel
Well, here's the (relatively) final version of the story reel for my final year film at Sheridan. It's pretty ridiculous, though honestly, this is how I see nature when I step off of the road and into the trees. Is that wrong?
So now is the time to take this timed out story and animate it out, throw in some refined backgrounds, and tighten up the sounds a little more. Should be doable in the next 4 months. The recent posts I've been making with the forest paintings resemble a look you may see in the final version. The animation, however, will stay very close to what you see here, but with some added inbetweens and secondary action jazz. I want to keep it as simple as possible.
great short brandon, i like the timing and style you gave to the whole piece. i think the leaves the bird always left behind and the use of fake shallow depth of field are the two bests.
oh! and of course, the squirrel munching. priceless.
Great reel Brandon, it's awesome how much work you've gotten done already, and now all you have to do is tighten it up! I can tell it's gonna look sweet at the end!
I thought one thing was a tad unclear - it wasn't apparent to me that the blue slug/worm at the very beginning was a blue slug/worm. I got the picture when it lands on the bear's nose and there's a closeup. Is this what you were intending?
Either way, great job Brandon - one of my favorite films at the screening - I'm definetly looking forward to the final!
Comments from some random blog-viewer; I've been enjoying your posts for quite awhile. The animation here was a crowning moment, even unfinished. You had me laughing a number of times even in such a short period. The sound effects really add to what's going on. It's well paced and fun to watch. Good luck in the coming four months!
DUUUde. Im pumped about this film. That little fart sound antic for the bird take off is great.
Thanks guys
Alan - Yeah man you aren't the first, many people have commented on that. But yeah, I sort of like how it isn't revealed for a bit. "Making sense" isn't really a goal of this film anyway, haha.
Ian - Whats up man! Thanks for the kind words. It took a lot for me to resist putting in more fart noises after those worked so well, but I stayed strong and kept it limited. How is your work coming? I've been checking your blog but it hasn't been updated in a while. Boooo!
sweet... i really think this is one of the best reels in our year buddy.... real nice.. make it happen buddy.
it already seems pretty done to me. I really love the design and sfx. Can't wait ti see the finished version with tighter bgs and timing. I think you've got a winner on yer hands.
The work is coming. Sorry
where u update?
Very nie to see this again. My comment is the same as everyone elses in general...the worm..rather than that im sure nit picky stuff you are already aware of. I like how you stated you want to keep it simple as possible. is that because you are goin for more of a stylish look backed up by an entertaining story?
I liked the fish jumping out of the water after the bear had been knocked away ... it's those subtleties that make it so funny
hola mi nombre es malaƱo y estoy invitando a todos los bloggers que visiten mi nuevo blog
y que dejen sus comentarios
el tema es: ilustracion y dibujo.
NICE.. I like the motion of the bird exiting the tree, cant wait to see it finished.
This is really great; good luck on the final.
UA!!fantastic!the comic's time is fantastic, and the squirrel :)!!really funny!
naon nya, duka erek ngetik naon ieu teh, bingung eung, bingung na duka kunaon puguh gen, da hayang ngetik wen, ngan duka erek ngetik naon ieu teh, bingung eung, bingung na duka kunaon puguh gen, da hayang ngetik wen, ngan duka erek ngetik naon ieu teh, bingung eung, bingung na duka kunaon puguh gen, da hayang ngetik wen
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